Updated: May 27, 2021


#1 Rogue One: A Star Wars Story
I love Rogue One. I love how so much of it is on the ground. I love that the imagery is so massive. I love Felicity Jones as the main hero. The comic relief isn't overly cheesy. And I really love the friendship of Chirrut Inwe and Bass Malbus. I am one with The Force and The Force is with me

#2 Star Wars: A New Hope
My favorite movie when I was a kid. I wish that Disney would go back to making Star Wars movies like this with mostly models for special effects. Not the CGI bullshit. The attack on The Death Star feels so much realer than the newer Star Wars flicks.

#3 The Empire Strikes Back
#1 on many incorrect lists :)..The initial images of the AT-ATs fucked me up as a kid. Same for when they froze Han Solo. I still get emotional about that.

#4 The Force Awakens
This was such a promising beginning to the 3rd trilogy. And talk about emotional! The death of Han Solo and Chewie's reaction. So sad. Kylo Ren's light saber is my favorite light saber. And I loved Rey scavenging around that old star destroyer

#5 Solo: A Star Wars Story
This flick was exactly what it was suppose to be. A fun history of Han Solo (probably the greatest Star Wars Character). Alden Ehreneich is perfect as a young Solo and Donald Glover is great as the young Lando Calrissian. It was interesting to find out that Solo worked for the Empire for awhile.

#6 The Phantom Menace
You take away the godawful Jar Jar Binks and the embarrassing acting of Natalie Portman and you have a pretty good Star Wars. Oh and get rid of the Gungans too. Qui-Gon Jinn is my favorite Jedi and Darth Maul is one of my favorite Sith. (apprentice). They upped the light saber fighting by a million and The Duel of The Fates is among the best of the Star Wars music.

#7 Return of the Jedi
One word...PrinceesLeiainthatbikini..The Emperor is great too. Too bad about the Ewoks.

#8 The Last Jedi
This is really where Star Wars begins to go south. This movie just looks like a video game. And the attempt at comedy is misplaced and embarrassing. Everyone talks like Iron Man when they're trying to be funny.

#9 The Rise of Skywalker
Why is this called The Rise of Skywalker? She's a Palpatine. Not a Skywalker. The 1st time seeing this was pretty rad. The shock I felt when I thought Chewie was killed hurt bad. But rewatching this doesn't hold up.

#10 Revenge of the Sith
Hayden Christensen is the worst actor in the entire Star Wars franchise. The CGI looks like shit and General Grievous is just lame. Palpatine is cool though.

#11 Attack of the Clones
The Godfather III of Star Wars. Jango Fett and Count Dooku are the only things good about this one.