Updated: Sep 12, 2021

Action Flicks With Billy Disaster #1. Last nights movie was John Wick starring Keanu Reeves and Michael Nyqvist. Could there be a sadder opening to a movie? The 1st 20 minutes had me feeling like Anchorman in the phone booth. I was in a glass case of emotion. I used to hate Keanu Reeves because he ruined Bram Stoker’s Dracula. But in this movie he was totally bad ass! (He was way better with far less dialogue). But the real stars here are the 1st time directors Chad Stahelski and David Leitch. They were previously stunt men for KR among others in flicks like The Matrix and Fight Club. They took their stunt choreography expertise to producers and were greenlighted. Not only is this flick well directed, but the stunt choreography is truly amazing. John Wick annihilates bad guys like it was a zombie movie. Additionally, the cars and the music were super cool. There was a groovy drone with the music that almost hypnotizes you throughout. The fact that Wick takes revenge on the bad guys for what they did to his little dog (it’s a little deeper than that) had me rooting for him as the anti hero all the way. People who are cruel to dogs get what’s coming to them. Are the sequels as good? We’ll find out. 5 Bombs for John Wick 💣💣💣💣💣. Tonight’s movie will be John Wick 2. ♥️You

Action Flicks With Billy Disaster #2. Last nights movie was John Wick: Chapter 2 starring Keanu Reeves and Ricarrdo Scamarcio. There is a “Hall of Mirrors” scene that is so intense and beautiful that the film makers must’ve been high fiving each other for days after finishing it. The love of all things action flick and flicks themselves is everywhere in these JW movies. There are homages to Hitchcock (bridge scene in JW1), Clint Eastwood westerns (KR’s quiet but deadly demeanor:), and of course James Bond (so many examples). While this one doesn’t have quite the same emotional impact as JW1, it’s still awesome. The long take violent scenes are stunning and you feel as beat up as KR after each one. I do think they made a mistake by making Scarmarcio the main villain as he’s no where near as interesting as Franco Nero (the uncle in the car shop at the beginning). He should’ve been the main villain. Another standout is Ian McShane who plays Winston the underworld leader and boss of The Continental. While I’m only a marginal fan of the hand to hand fight scenes, the gun fighting and car chase action is incredible. High fives to all the stunt actors in this movie. 4 Bombs for John Wick: Chapter 2 💣💣💣💣. Tonight’s movie with John Wick: Chapter 3-Parabellum which will be reviewed only on ♥️You

Action Flicks With Billy Disaster #3. Last nights movie was John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum. The final (for now?) entry to the JW Trilogy delivers exactly what you would hope after watching the 1st 2. Terrific stunt choreography, cool characters, and a pretty great motorcycle chase scene. (A shame about the green screen during the motorcycles). After breaking the rules of The High Table, JW finds himself with a $14 million price on his head and he has a worldwide army of hitmen and women after him. The danger and the tension are at a fever pitch as JW tries to escape one attack after another. There is a knife throwing combat scene that is maybe the best fight scene I've ever seen. As with the other two JW flicks, the fighting is world class. Guns, fists, knives and all. BUT THEN THE FILM MAKERS MADE A MAJOR MISTAKE!! They started giving Keanu Reeves some embarrassingly terrible dialogue to show off his terrible acting. KR is a killer stunt guy and is elegant and beautiful, but he might be the worst actor I've ever seen in major movies. Had they kept his speaking moments limited and had they reconsidered the dialogue, then this may have been the perfect action flick. But they fucking ruined it! What were they thinking. Could've been a 5 Bomb movie. Too bad...4 Bombs for John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum 💣💣💣💣. Tonights movie will be Enemy of the State. ♥️You

Action Flicks With Billy Disaster #4 . Last nights movie was Enemy of the State starring The Fresh Prince and Jon Voight. This one barely qualifies as an action flick compared to the John Wick movies. There is some action in it but it doesn’t come close to the love of the genre that JW does. But it was still fun. Mostly because Will Smith is so funny and engaging. His dialogue and delivery are one of a kind. He never comes across too corny and his dramatic acting puts Keanu Reeves to shame. This one was about a congressman getting caught on video killing another congressman over a disagreement on a national security bill. The guy that possesses the tape finds himself being hunted and passes the tape along to The Fresh Prince without him knowing (which is also caught on tape). Much of the rest of the movie is watching WS trying to figure out why everyone is fucking with him. He’s also a lawyer for a mob guy (the awesome Tom Sizemore) which plays out in the end. Oh, and he also has a complicated side thing going on with the SMOKIN HOT Lisa Bonet♥️! This movie was no masterpiece but was still a lot of fun. 3 Bombs for Enemy of the State 💣💣💣 . Tonight‘s movie will be Fast Five. ♥️You #MovieReview#MovieReviews

Action Flicks With Billy Disaster #5 . Last nights movie was Fast Five starring Gal Gadot . This is the 1st movie in the Fast and Furious franchise I’ve seen. I was a little worried because it also stars Vin Diesel, so my expectations were low. But this movie came out swinging hard. The train robbery scene was fucking awesome. Intense action and really well filmed and edited. Killer. The next half hour or so just increased the intensity as the danger grew heavier and heavier.....But then, this movie tries to make a story of it by having a cast of horrible actors start talking. Have you ever puked so hard that you threw out your back? It’s dialogue like this that teaches awkward teenage boys to be dude bros. Then there’s this disgusting bathroom scene that made me puke so hard I sprained my ankle . Mrs. Disaster tried to comfort me but the embarrassment of Vin Diesel and The Rock’s acting in this had me gagging so much that she just left. Thank God for my Celebrity Ex Girlfriend, Gal Gadot♥️. It was nice to see her again. So if you’re gonna watch this flick, make sure you watch all of the action scenes and the GG moments, and then fast forward through everything else and you’ll love it. 3 Bombs for Fast Five💣💣💣. Tonight’s movie will be Act of Valor. ♥️You #moviereview#moviereviews#fast5#actionmovies

Action Flicks With Billy Disaster #6 . Last nights movie was Act of Valor starring a bunch of real Navy SEALS. This movie got 27% on Rotten Tomatoes. Most critics complained that there wasn’t enough character development and the acting wasn’t up to their standards. Well fuck them! Who wants a bunch of stupid character development in an action movie like this. It’s always the same (a lot of useless dialogue about hoping to see their family soon and blah blah blah). There is some of that in this flick and it’s boring, like they’re checking that Hollywood box. However, I think it’s cool that they cast real Navy SEALS. Did these critics expect Marlon Brando? I also appreciated that there isn’t any lame military macho talk with stupid one liners. I hate that. Ok, I’ll stop bitching. This was loosely based on a true story about a mission to stop a a terrorist attack on the US using explosive vests that can’t be detected by metal detectors. The bad guys are Jihadists along with a Mexican drug cartel. The action sequences are very cool and is amplified by a lot of POV camera work. Everything looks real and isn’t ruined by a bunch of shitty CGI. And the end made me cry (softly). 4 Bombs for Act of Valor 💣💣💣💣. Tonight’s movie will be Tenet. ♥️You

Action Flicks With Billy Disaster #7. Last nights movie was Tenet starring John David Washington and Robert Pattinson. Dear Christopher Nolan, Thank you for making such great flicks like the Batman movies, Memento and Dunkirk. But F-U for making me sit through this confusing and long dud! You owe me $5.99 Nolan. Sincerely, Billy Disaster...You guys, here at, we pride ourselves on serving the flick loving public. And by doing so, I’m telling you to avoid this one aggressively. It’s so confusing that it spends at least half of its time trying to explain the ridiculous time travel story. Which ends up being lame anyway. There is no love for any genre here (action, thriller, sci-fi). The only attention of anything is how to waste a gigantic budget. There is no real tension or sense of danger because the storytelling is so bad that it’s insulting. If you have trouble falling asleep at night, turn this movie on. I will give extra credit to the killer music by Ludwig Goransson. But honestly Nolan, you should be ashamed of this flick. 2 Bombs for Tenet 💣💣. Tonight’s movie will be True Lies. Love you. Except you Nolan! I’m pissed at you right now! ♥️You #moviereview#moviereviews#tenet#actionmovies

Action Flicks With Billy Disaster #8 . Last nights movie was True Lies starring Arnold Schwarzenegger and Jamie Lee Curtis. This movie was so much fun! It was ridiculous, funny and the action was non CGI heaven. There was some green screen but it was barely noticeable. The Governator plays his part as a secret government agent so perfectly that it almost seemed like a cartoon. His wife (Curtis) thinks he’s a boring salesman while Arnold and Tom Arnold do some cool spy shit. But the wife is bored at home and ends up running around with Bill Paxton (total douche) to spice up her life a bit. Arnie catches on to this and utilizes all of his government resources to catch her in an affair. The result is an incredible performance by Jamie Lee Curtis . She is sexy and awkward at the same time. She’s also a brilliant comedian and the true star of this movie. She even did her own stunt hanging from a helicopter! Amazing. And the Harrier jet scene where The Terminator rescues his daughter! So awesome. I read in a few places where some people want to cancel this movie for their portrayal of women and Muslims and I’m honestly getting sick of that shit. These guys are claiming to be liberal and sensitive but come across sounding like religious fundamentalists. Are people not allowed to be sexy? I can understand the Muslim point of view but I don’t see this flick as being insulting to them. If anyone in this is offensive it’s Bill Paxton . Can we just lighten up a bit? 4 Bombs for True Lies 💣💣💣💣. Tonight’s movie will be The Wandering Earth. ♥️You

Action Flicks With Billy Disaster #9 . Last nights movie was The Wandering Earth starring Man-Tat Ng. Imagine if Independence Day, Armageddon and The Day the Earth Stood Still got together, did some Ecstasy and had a ménage a Trois, but couldn’t figure out who knocked who up, but still had a baby, they would’ve named it The Wandering Earth. And then this baby grew up to be a misguided asshole who couldn’t make its own decisions but still thinks he’s gods gift to action flicks. Jesus this movie sucked. Tom Hanks said after making the abysmal Greyhound (a WWII submarine movie) that they never filmed in water and that it was all CGI. He said that that’s how movies will be made from now on because the technology has gotten so good. Well that’s bullshit. What you get is lame and soulless movies that look like video games. And The Wandering Earth is a CGI video game that threw up on itself. It was also one cliché after another. If someone recommends this movie to you, kick them in the shin and run away as fast as you can. 1 Bomb for The Wandering Earth 💣. Tonight’s movie will be Cliffhanger and will be the final installment of this series. I hope you’ll join me for Musical Flicks With Billy Disaster coming next week! ♥️ You #moviereview#moviereviews#thewanderingearth#actionmovies

Action Flicks With Billy Disaster #10 . Last nights movie was Cliffhanger starring Sylvester Stallone and John Lithgow. The opening scene featured a beautiful mountainous location with some cliff hanging right off the bat. Enter the introduction of the good guy characters with some cheesy dialogue and then BAM! The culmination of this opener had me screaming “OH MY FUCKING GOD!!” repeatedly! I couldn’t breathe. The following scene actually featured some pretty good acting on Stallone‘s part. Then here come the bad guys..the scene where we meet them is also a white knuckler. The stunt where this dude has to get from one plane to another at 15,000 feet above the mountains was an amazing stunt that Stallone actually paid a million dollars to the guy who pulled it off and holds the Guinness book of world records as the most expensive stunt. A whole lot of other great action sequences happen and the story is pretty cool. And John Lithgow plays a decent villain. 4 Bombs for Cliffhanger 💣💣💣💣. That’s it for Action Flicks. It was really fun and I’m looking forward to Musical Flicks With Billy Disaster! ♥️You #moviereview#moviereviews#cliffhanger#actionmovies#sylvesterstallone